This is thesecond time such guests have paid visit our school. Fr. Stephen was in Russia lastyear and gave a lesson to the students of the secondary school. Therefore, manyof them remember him quite well. This time he took his son, Ben, with him andour students had a unique chance to speak with a real English boy of their age.
Fr. Stephencomes from England, Oxford. He has anOrthodox parish there. He has a big family, five children. He told us about hisfamily, the Church where he celebrates services. The students were extremely pleasedwith his lecture. They understood a great deal of what he said.
Fr. Irenei has visited our school for the firsttime. He is the principle of the only Orthodox school in America, San Francisco. Moreover, he is a well-known patrologystand public speaker. The orthodox school in San Francisco is worshipped after St. John ofShanghai. Fr. Irenei told us a lot about his school, the students who studythere. When he spoke to us, the atmosphere he created was really hilarious.
We were very happy to welcome such dear guestsat our school, and we hope that they will be able to come to us again nextyear.